Sharon Stone Names Hollywood Producer in Sexual Pressure Allegation

Sharon Stone Sexual Pressure Allegation
Sharon Stone has disclosed the identity of a Hollywood producer and studio executive who she claims pressured her to engage in sexual relations with her “Silver” co-star, William “Billy” Baldwin.

During an episode of “The Louis Theroux Podcast” on Monday, Sharon Stone, 66, revealed that one of the producers of the 1993 film, Robert Evans, had pressured her to sleep with Baldwin, who is now 61, in order to enhance Baldwin’s performance.

Sharon Stone described a meeting with Evans in his office, where he emphasized his own sexual exploits and suggested that if she slept with Baldwin, it would improve his performance and consequently improve the film. According to Sharon Stone, Evans believed that better chemistry between them on screen would “save the movie.”

The “Basic Instinct” actress expressed frustration with Evans for disregarding her input regarding casting decisions, implying that she was expected to perform sexually to advance her career. She contrasted her experience with Baldwin to her previous co-star Michael Douglas, noting that she never felt pressured to engage in similar behavior with Douglas because of his professionalism.

This isn’t the first time Sharon Stone has spoken out about sexual harassment in the industry. In her 2021 memoir, “The Beauty of Living Twice,” she detailed her encounters with harassment but did not initially disclose the names of the individuals involved.

Stone’s revelation adds another layer to the ongoing conversation about sexual misconduct in Hollywood. She joins others who have bravely spoken out against abuse and harassment in the industry.

Robert Evans, who passed away in 2019 at the age of 89, was a prominent figure in Hollywood, known for his work as a studio executive at Paramount Pictures. He was involved in the production of several iconic films, including “Rosemary’s Baby,” “Love Story,” and “The Godfather.”

It’s worth noting that Stone’s allegations have not been commented on by Baldwin or his representatives. Additionally, Stone previously spoke about a separate incident of harassment involving a former Sony executive in the 1980s, although she did not name the individual involved.

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