President Biden called for peace and aid amid the conflict

President Biden called for peace and aid amid the conflict
In a pivotal visit to Israel, US President Biden delivered a powerful message, drawing parallels between the recent attack by Hamas on Israel and the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The attack is seen by Israel as a watershed moment, its own 9/11, and by Hamas as the “Al Aqsa Flood.”

President Biden empathized with the people of Israel, stating, “I understand. Many Americans understand.” He likened the October 7th attack by Hamas to the September 11th terrorist attacks in the United States, which claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people. His words resonated with the shared sense of tragedy and loss.

The US President emphasized the importance of seeking justice in the face of such adversity. He cautioned against being consumed by rage, drawing a parallel to the aftermath of 9/11, where the United States, while pursuing justice, also made mistakes. It’s a poignant reminder of the need for measured responses during times of crisis.

During his visit, President Biden addressed the devastating explosion at a Gaza Strip hospital, where hundreds of lives were lost. Conflicting claims arose regarding the responsible party. Hamas swiftly pointed fingers at an Israeli airstrike, while Israel vehemently denied involvement, providing evidence suggesting a missile misfire by Islamic Jihad, another militant group in Gaza. However, Islamic Jihad dismissed these claims.

President Biden, based on data from the Pentagon, cast doubt on the likelihood of Israeli military involvement in the explosion. During a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he reassured, “Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you.” Yet, he acknowledged that uncertainty surrounded the incident, sparking protests across the Middle East.

In a significant development, President Biden announced that Israel had agreed to permit humanitarian assistance to reach Gaza from Egypt. Earlier, Israel had imposed restrictions on the flow of essential supplies following the deadly attack by Hamas, resulting in the loss of nearly 1,400 Israeli lives. Biden emphasized that this assistance was contingent on inspections and ensuring it reached civilians, not Hamas. He also highlighted the collaborative efforts of the US and its partners to expedite the aid delivery.

In a show of solidarity and support, President Biden pledged an additional $100 million in humanitarian aid for Gaza and the West Bank. This aid is intended to alleviate the suffering caused by the ongoing conflict.

The Israel-Hamas conflict, which commenced on October 7th, has sadly become the deadliest of the five Gaza wars for both sides. The Gaza Health Ministry reports a tragic toll of 3,478 Palestinians killed and over 12,000 injured in the past 11 days. On the Israeli side, more than 1,400 people have lost their lives, and at least 199, including children, have been captured by Hamas and taken into Gaza, according to Israel.

In a world marred by violence, President Biden’s visit to Israel serves as a beacon of hope and a call for peace amidst turmoil.

Also Read: Israel-Palestine conflict: Biden’s Visit Amidst Tragic Gaza Hospital attack

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