Afghanistan earthquake: More than 2,400 dead

Afghanistan earthquake: More than 2,400 dead
In a heart-wrenching catastrophe, Afghanistan was rocked by a series of earthquakes on Saturday, leaving a trail of devastation and grief. The seismic event, with a magnitude of 6.3, struck 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, creating a nightmare scenario in this quake-prone mountainous region.

This recent calamity marks one of the deadliest earthquakes witnessed globally this year, following closely behind the tragic tremors that claimed an estimated 50,000 lives in Turkey and Syria during February.

The toll on human lives continues to rise, with the Taliban administration confirming the loss of over 2,400 individuals. The Ministry of Disasters, represented by Janan Sayeeq, shared the tragic news, further revealing that the number of injured had surpassed 2,000. Initially, the count stood at 9,240 injured, but it has been revised to provide the most accurate and updated information on this harrowing event.

As the affected communities grapple with the aftermath and the nation mourns its losses, our hearts go out to all those affected by this catastrophe. We stand united in solidarity with Afghanistan during this difficult time, extending our thoughts and prayers to those in need of support and comfort.

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